Sunday 27 May 2012

Perk up of Petersham Gate Playground


Playground at Petersham Gate
J and D have frequented the playground at Petersham Gate regularly over their lifetime. It had not changed much since my mum was a child with the exception of a spider web climbing installation a few years ago.

It recently re-opened following an upgrade - so we went along on a hot Sunday afternoon to check out what had changed and what was new.

I was optimistic as I had passed the smart new fencing and observed progress over the past weeks on my Saturday morning runs.

Access is improved with two gates into the playground making trips to the adjacent toilets much quicker and more straight forward! Also better cycle racks have been installed making it easier to lock up and leave bikes.

J and D had always loved the old sandpit at petersham which had been enclosed by a wooden fence. The new sandpit is greatly improved, accessible from all sides making it much easier to observe any bad behaviour, not sharing diggers, flicking of sand etc!

The wooden gazebo with seating adjacent to the sandpit was lovely for parents to relax on and provided shade while the boys dug a hole to Australia and buried each other.

D enjoyed the rope hammocks and loved tipping daddy out on his turn! D is always a big fan of the swings and the old swing set remains but does appear to fly higher. J was thrilled to be able to reach the top of the new wooden climbing structure.

Other children were also enjoying the play area, there was lots of space and they all interacted well together.

As tummies started to rumble and teatime beckoned and with school in the morning we cycled home via Ham Gate and along Ham Gate Avenue. Baby bunnies playing in the evening sun were very cute, much more so than the over confident fox which visits my garden daily morning, noon and night, (more of that another time)! This rounded off a relaxing circular cycle from home along the river to Petersham Gate as away from traffic with young cyclists in tow.

I would recommend taking snacks and drinks on a long hot afternoon as Petersham playground lacks a tea and refreshment kiosk, which they have at the car parks in richmond park. Pembroke Lodge up the hill sell refreshments inside and have a kiosk in the car park but any hot drinks or ice creams would struggle to make it back down the hill.

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